GREENSKEEPER: The City of Lockwood is taking applications for a seasonal golf course greenskeeper. The season runs from March to November. Knowledge of groundskeeping, care of greens, chemical application, operation of mowers and other large equipment a plus. This position will work under the current golf course superintendent for a minimum of one season and will be promoted to head greenskeeper when training is completed within two years. Must be at least 18 years old and have a valid
Missouri Driver’s License. Applications are available at Lockwood City Hall, 400 Main, or by calling 417 232- 4221. The City of Lockwood is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants must successfully complete a background check. Pay will be determined by experience.
LIFEGUARDS AND GOLF ATTENDANTS: The City of Lockwood is taking applications for lifeguards and golf course clubhouse attendants. Applications may also be picked up at City Hall.