In order to register to vote, Missourians must submit a completed voter registration application to their local election authority. This can be done in person or by mail.
A voter may register in person at one of the following locations:
When registering in person, applicants are required to present a form of personal identification. A voter can also register to vote by mail by completing a post card voter registration application. You can request a voter registration application from the local election authority or from the Missouri Secretary of State website.
Within 7 days of receiving your registration, the election authority should mail verification that your registration has been received and processed. If you do not receive this verification, you should contact your local election authority to ensure that you are indeed registered to vote. You will receive your identification card after voting for the first time.
On election day, your polling location will be determined by your address. Please contact your Local Election Authority if you are unsure of which location to vote. Or, locate your polling place online using the Missouri Secretary of State's voter outreach tool.
Polling locations in Lockwood:
American Legion Hall
Lockwood Library
Registered Missourians who expect to be prevented from going to their polling place on Election Day may vote absentee beginning six weeks prior to an election.
Mail in or faxed absentee ballot requests must be received by the election authority no later than the 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to any election. Voters can vote by absentee in the office of the local election authority until 5:00 p.m. the night before the election.
For more information, contact the local election authority:
Dade County, County Clerk's Office
300 W.Water, Ste. 1
Greenfield, MO 65661
(417) 637-2724
FAX (417) 637-1006